Sunday, 5 January 2014

New Year Resolutions!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope everyone has had lovely Christmas holidays and had a good time seeing the new year in. My apologies for being 5 days late but I have been being a busy bee skiing in France, in fact this is being drafted ... feet above Paris and on under 4 hours sleep so please excuse any mistakes, I don't seem to function on little sleep.

I was just thinking of sharing my new year resolutions, firstly because I love being nosey and reading other peoples resolutions and secondly I think I may stick to them more if they are out there. Fingers crossed anyway.

1) to make more effort - the last 3/4 months I have been getting lazy! I have started wearing minimal/no makeup to work, 'forgetting' to brush my hair and even venturing out in my boys clothes, looking slightly like a hobo and definitely unfit for public consumption! This is really not ok and I'm worried I might bump into Johnny Depp in my local sainsburys so from now on I want to make the effort to look at least half presentable 80% of the time. 

2) do something out of my comfort zone - I have mainly got this from my recent holiday... I'm a bit of a home bird and struggle in new situations or things I haven't tried before that I don't think I will do well at. I am much more comfortable sitting at home with my Charlie. Even venturing on a night out that isn't at the local bars with my girls seems to be a massive event for me. But after trying skiing I realised that the world isn't going to break down and crumble away if I try something new and I quite like it. So this is a sort of 'say yes more' resolution.

3) eat healthy, do exercise - this is pretty self explanatory... I want to loose my Christmas chocolate chub!

4) spoil my wardrobe! - as I just moved into my first flat 6 months ago I have had very little spending money since and haven't really treated myself to anything other than complete necessities. But I am terribly bored of being sensible with my money and fancy going a little wild so be prepared for lots of new purchase posts! 

And a little list of things I want to achieve:
- buy a new car (a Nissan figaro!!)
- raise money for charity
- travel somewhere I haven't been before 
- take up a new hobby, either some type of dance or learn a language
- make myself at least one item of clothing per month
- stop being so messy

The list is rather long so wish me luck!! 

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