In case any of you are unaware I can't cook. Fullstop. I mean I can attempt it but unfortunatley it usually ends in tears so I gave up a long while ago. Therefore it doesn't bother me that my kitchen is the size of a shoe box, no exaggeration. If my lovely boy is cooking dinner I literally have to climb over him to get to the washing machine!! This hasn't bothered me until now.......I want to be the next Delia or Mary Berry. I want cakes and sugary creations coming out of my ears. I want pink icing covering everything that passes my lips but I mainly want a kitchen like this to do it in. Let me show you and you will soon understand and possibly even share my kitchen love insanity.
I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! Can't you feel the butterfly's doing a little tap dance in your tummy!? I know this isn't everyone's style but it definitely should be!! It fulfills my need of a 50's kitchen with the diner themed stools and chairs and also the muted checked floor in blue, but it isn't so in your face that it screams 'TAKE ME BACK TO AMERICA AND GET ME A LIFE-SIZED CUT OUT OF ELVIS'!! I adore the pastel colours that reminds me of my mums house (she does shabby chic cottagey things in her home), but with the quirkiness that makes it more me.
There are even matching/not-exactly-matching-but-still-matchy-to-the-theme crockery. This is a kitchen in which nothing is forgotten!
I can't imagine I will ever need 2 kitchenaid mixers, let alone one but they go so beautifully I actually want to fork out half my wages just so I can have a kitchen like this!
Yum yum yum, gosh I wish I could cook!
I am practically lying in bed dribbling over this. All the jars of sweetys and the fantastic cakes, its absolutely gorgeous! So there you have it! My future kitchen! Right, best be off, going to go experiment in my shoe box kitchen so I am a fully prepared cooking goddess when it comes to actually owning a kitchen like this!
Toodle pip lovers!
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