Monday, 23 December 2013

Home planning!

I have big news to share with all of you.... I have fallen in love with a kitchen!! And oh my gosh its wonderful and I need to shout out to the world how much I love it! I came across the images on some blog which I am now unable to find again but have since done my research and found the pictures all over google, instagram and pinterest and its probably doing the rounds on tumblr somewhere as well. 

In case any of you are unaware I can't cook. Fullstop. I mean I can attempt it but unfortunatley it usually ends in tears so I gave up a long while ago. Therefore it doesn't bother me that my kitchen is the size of a shoe box, no exaggeration. If my lovely boy is cooking dinner I literally have to climb over him to get to the washing machine!! This hasn't bothered me until now.......I want to be the next Delia or Mary Berry. I want cakes and sugary creations coming out of my ears. I want pink icing covering everything that passes my lips but I mainly want a kitchen like this to do it in. Let me show you and you will soon understand and possibly even share my kitchen love insanity.

I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! Can't you feel the butterfly's doing a little tap dance in your tummy!? I know this isn't everyone's style but it definitely should be!! It fulfills my need of a 50's kitchen with the diner themed stools and chairs and also the muted checked floor in blue, but it isn't so in your face that it screams 'TAKE ME BACK TO AMERICA AND GET ME A LIFE-SIZED CUT OUT OF ELVIS'!! I adore the pastel colours that reminds me of my mums house (she does shabby chic cottagey things in her home), but with the quirkiness that makes it more me.

There are even matching/not-exactly-matching-but-still-matchy-to-the-theme crockery. This is a kitchen in which nothing is forgotten!

I can't imagine I will ever need 2 kitchenaid mixers, let alone one but they go so beautifully I actually want to fork out half my wages just so I can have a kitchen like this!

Yum yum yum, gosh I wish I could cook! 

I am practically lying in bed dribbling over this. All the jars of sweetys and the fantastic cakes, its absolutely gorgeous! So there you have it! My future kitchen! Right, best be off, going to go experiment in my shoe box kitchen so I am a fully prepared cooking goddess when it comes to actually owning a kitchen like this!

Toodle pip lovers!

Monday, 2 December 2013

My New Favorite Colour

In case anyone hasn't realized I am absolutely awful at blogging! It was my birthday almost 6 weeks ago, yet I am only just getting my 'birthday blog' written now! But never fear dear readers! I am working on being more organised and blogging more, and I am finally getting the internet! Woohoo! I know what your thinking, who has a blog and doesn't actually have the internet right? Well, yes that would be me... but internet is on the way so expect to hear a lot more of me you lucky munchkins! I am almost investing in Glossybox so will have lots of nice new things to write about! 

Anyway... I have come to explain what an absolutely thrilling colour brown is!!!!!!!! Honestly! I have recently fallen in love with it and it is all due to my lovely Grandma and the amazing birthday presents I have from her! Now when I say Grandma everyone imagines a little old dear sitting in front of the fire with slippers, grey hair and some knitting. My Grandma however has crazy curly hair which changes colour every time I see her, is far more fashionable than I could ever hope to be and also owns leopard print boots! She is incredibly glamorous and I absolutely love her! Anyway shrine over... I came here to explain how she has a knack for amazing presents and how it created my obsession with brown, I'm just diving headlong into showing you birthday presents, you will then understand!

My favorite present was my handbag! Just wow! I haven't managed to get amazing pictures as they are all off my phone but you can see what I mean! This is a 1940's style bag which is in absolutely amazing condition, no marks, nothing broken, perfect! It has a lovely little clasp in the shape of a horseshoe and is a mahogany colour all over. It is perfect handbag size, enough for necessity's but not big enough so that I feel I need to cram it full of everything except my kitchen sink and then look like I am lugging a suitcase round. Anyway I do believe this is the perfect bag *happy sigh*. 

My other present from her was 2 fur stoles. Now I am not sure where everyone is at on the fur situation but please don't throw paint over me, I am a nice person sometimes! Where I stand is that I collect vintage, any and all forms of vintage. Fur falls into this category and I collect it because it represents the era that I love. Anyway this is far too deep to get into for a Monday morning blog! So the first stole was a large one, more like a wrap with a stripey effect and beautiful colours. The second was smaller, a darker brown and one that would be used more as a collar to dress up a plain coat.

Both were such beautiful presents!! It kick started a maternal love for the colour brown which I have very little of in my wardrobe. So the first thing I went and purchased were these little bad boys! I bought these off ebay for under £15 including p&p! BARGAIN! They are styled on the late 30's/40's and remind me of something a little old lady or a school teacher would wear (clearly I go for the 'sexy' look.....). They have a lovely small heel and are so easy to dash about in, therefore are mainly kept for more casual outings when I'm doing errands and what not. I think I may just go and put them on now I have such cravings for them!

I was going to include other small purchases such as a brown cardigan but then I thought gosh how boring can I actually be, raving about a plain brown cardigan, so I decided not to bore you. But please expect lots of lovely future brown themed outfit posts! I know your all sitting at the edge of your seats and can hardly wait!! Until next time!
